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Mystic or Bust!

Sat 1 PM | Workshop

Roger Wolsey

Many progressive Christians have come to embrace new theological insights and understandings that help the Christian faith make sense to them in the 21st century. Many progressive Christians are not currently active in local church congregations and consider themselves “post-Church.” Roger will share how embracing and deepening into contemplative and mystic practices is not a mere option, it is necessary and integral for progressive Christianity if it is to be vital, transformative, and sustainable.”I am a progressive Christian mystic. As a mystic, I’m at a point in life where I don’t have to be a Christian. My connection to the Divine is primary and I do more and more solo connecting with God. However, I maintain my affiliation with and involvement in Christianity, including a local church, for very specific reasons.” Learn more about these reasons and these invitations to spiritual growth – and share what’s working for you!

Roger Wolsey

Roger Wolsey is the author of the book “Kissing Fish: christianity for people who doh’t like christianity” – a comprehensive introduction to progressive Christianithy . He runs the Kissing Fish page on Facebook which has over 232,000 followers. His blog, The Holy Kiss, is on Patheos and he is a contributing writer for the John Shelby Spong newsletter hosted by Roger is a United Methodist pastor who currently serves as the Director of the Wesley Foundation campus ministry at the University of Colorado – Boulder. He recently graduated from the Benet Hill Monastery’s Spiritual Director training program. He is the father of a wonderful 17 year old son; and is an avid trail runner, trumpeter, poet, photographer, and blues dancer.

325 Mystic or Bust!

Session #325